






  • “类型”
    (字符串)确定排序顺序。从' latest ', 'active', 'online', 'random', 'popular', 'alphabetical'中选择。默认值:“最新”。
  • “per_page”
  • “页面”
  • “user_id”
  • “search_term”
    (字符串| bool)搜索条件。搜索发生在xprofile字段之间。需要XProfile组件。默认值:false。
  • “search_wildcard”
    (字符串)使用$search_terms进行搜索时,设置术语周围的通配符的位置。接受'both', 'left', 'right'。默认值:“都”。
  • “包括”
    (字符串数组| | bool)应该限制查询的用户id的数组或逗号分隔的列表。默认值:false。
  • “排除”
    (字符串数组| | bool)将从查询结果中排除的用户id数组或以逗号分隔的列表。默认值:false。
  • “user_id”
    (字符串数组| | bool)与应该返回的用户对应的id数组或逗号分隔的列表。当传递此参数时,它将覆盖所有其他参数;BP用户对象将仅使用这些id构造。默认值:false。
  • “member_type”
  • “member_type__in”
  • “member_type__not_in”
  • “meta_key”
    (字符串| bool)将结果限制为与此meta_key相关联的usermeta用户。通常与$meta_value一起使用。默认值:false。
  • “meta_value”
    (字符串| bool)当与$meta_key一起使用时,将结果限制为与$meta_key相关联的usermeta值匹配$meta_value的用户。默认值:false。
  • “xprofile_query”
  • “populate_extras”
  • “count_total”
    (字符串)决定了BP_User_Query将计算匹配其他筛选条件的用户总数。默认值是'count_query',它执行一个单独的SELECT COUNT查询来确定总数。'sql_count_found_rows'使用sql_count_found_rows和SELECT FOUND_ROWS()。传递一个空字符串以跳过用户总数查询。

文件:bp-core /类/ class-bp-user-query.php

bp_user_query {/ **变量*************************************************************** / / ** *传递给构造函数的替代参数。* * @since buddypress 1.8.0 * @var array * / public $ query_vars_raw = array();/ ** *要查询的变量数组。* * @since buddypress 1.7.0 * @var array * / public $ query_vars = array();/ ** *找到用户和各自数据的列表。* * @since buddypress 1.7.0 * @var array * / public $ specue = array();/ ** *当前查询的找到用户的总数。* * @since buddypress 1.7.0 * @var int * / public $ total_users = 0;/ ** *找到的用户ID列表。* * @since buddypress 1.7.0 * @var array * / public $ user_ids = array(); /** * SQL clauses for the user ID query. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * @var array */ public $uid_clauses = array(); /** * SQL table where the user ID is being fetched from. * * @since BuddyPress 2.2.0 * @var string */ public $uid_table = ''; /** * SQL database column name to order by. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * @var string */ public $uid_name = ''; /** * Standard response when the query should not return any rows. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * @var string */ protected $no_results = array( 'join' => '', 'where' => '0 = 1' ); /** Methods ***************************************************************/ /** * Constructor. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * * @param string|array|null $query See {@link BP_User_Query}. */ public function __construct( $query = null ) { // Store the raw query vars for later access. $this->query_vars_raw = $query; // Allow extending classes to register action/filter hooks. $this->setup_hooks(); if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars_raw ) ) { $this->query_vars = wp_parse_args( $this->query_vars_raw, array( 'type' => 'newest', 'per_page' => 0, 'page' => 1, 'user_id' => 0, 'search_terms' => false, 'search_wildcard' => 'both', 'include' => false, 'exclude' => false, 'user_ids' => false, 'member_type' => '', 'member_type__in' => '', 'member_type__not_in' => '', 'meta_key' => false, 'meta_value' => false, 'xprofile_query' => false, 'populate_extras' => true, 'count_total' => 'count_query' ) ); /** * Fires before the construction of the BP_User_Query query. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * * @param BP_User_Query $this Current instance of the BP_User_Query. Passed by reference. */ do_action_ref_array( 'bp_pre_user_query_construct', array( &$this ) ); // Get user ids // If the user_ids param is present, we skip the query. if ( false !== $this->query_vars['user_ids'] ) { $this->user_ids = wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['user_ids'] ); } else { $this->prepare_user_ids_query(); $this->do_user_ids_query(); } } // Bail if no user IDs were found. if ( empty( $this->user_ids ) ) { return; } // Fetch additional data. First, using WP_User_Query. $this->do_wp_user_query(); // Get BuddyPress specific user data. $this->populate_extras(); } /** * Allow extending classes to set up action/filter hooks. * * When extending BP_User_Query, you may need to use some of its * internal hooks to modify the output. It's not convenient to call * add_action() or add_filter() in your class constructor, because * BP_User_Query::__construct() contains a fair amount of logic that * you may not want to override in your class. Define this method in * your own class if you need a place where your extending class can * add its hooks early in the query-building process. See * {@link BP_Group_Member_Query::setup_hooks()} for an example. * * @since BuddyPress 1.8.0 */ public function setup_hooks() {} /** * Prepare the query for user_ids. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 */ public function prepare_user_ids_query() { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); // Default query variables used here. $type = ''; $per_page = 0; $page = 1; $user_id = 0; $include = false; $search_terms = false; $exclude = false; $meta_key = false; $meta_value = false; extract( $this->query_vars ); // Setup the main SQL query container. $sql = array( 'select' => '', 'where' => array('1=1'), 'orderby' => '', 'order' => '', 'limit' => '' ); /* TYPE **************************************************************/ // Determines the sort order, which means it also determines where the // user IDs are drawn from (the SELECT and WHERE statements). switch ( $type ) { // 'online' query happens against the last_activity usermeta key // Filter 'bp_user_query_online_interval' to modify the // number of minutes used as an interval. case 'online' : $this->uid_name = 'user_id'; $this->uid_table = $bp->members->table_name_last_activity; $sql['select'] = "SELECT u.{$this->uid_name} as id FROM {$this->uid_table} u"; $sql['where'][] = $wpdb->prepare( "u.component = %s AND u.type = 'last_activity'", buddypress()->members->id ); /** * Filters the threshold for activity timestamp minutes since to indicate online status. * * @since BuddyPress 1.8.0 * * @param int $value Amount of minutes for threshold. Default 15. */ $sql['where'][] = $wpdb->prepare( "u.date_recorded >= DATE_SUB( UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL %d MINUTE )", apply_filters( 'bp_user_query_online_interval', 15 ) ); $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY u.date_recorded"; $sql['order'] = "DESC"; break; // 'active', 'newest', and 'random' queries // all happen against the last_activity usermeta key. case 'active' : case 'newest' : case 'random' : $this->uid_name = 'ID'; $this->uid_table = $wpdb->users; $sql['select'] = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT u.{$this->uid_name} as id FROM {$this->uid_table} u LEFT JOIN {$bp->members->table_name_last_activity} a ON u.ID = a.user_id AND a.component = %s AND a.type = 'last_activity' ", buddypress()->members->id ); $sql['where'][] = " u.user_status = 0 "; if ( 'newest' == $type ) { $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY u.ID"; $sql['order'] = "DESC"; } elseif ( 'random' == $type ) { $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY rand()"; } else { $sql['orderby'] = array( array( "COALESCE( a.date_recorded, NULL )", "DESC" ), array( "u.display_name", "ASC" ), ); } break; // 'popular' sorts by the 'total_friend_count' usermeta. case 'popular' : $this->uid_name = 'user_id'; $this->uid_table = $wpdb->usermeta; $sql['select'] = "SELECT u.{$this->uid_name} as id FROM {$this->uid_table} u"; $sql['where'][] = $wpdb->prepare( "u.meta_key = %s", bp_get_user_meta_key( 'total_friend_count' ) ); $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY CONVERT(u.meta_value, SIGNED)"; $sql['order'] = "DESC"; break; // 'alphabetical' sorts depend on the xprofile setup. case 'alphabetical' : // We prefer to do alphabetical sorts against the display_name field // of wp_users, because the table is smaller and better indexed. We // can do so if xprofile sync is enabled, or if xprofile is inactive. // // @todo remove need for bp_is_active() check. if ( ! bp_disable_profile_sync() || ! bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ) { $this->uid_name = 'ID'; $this->uid_table = $wpdb->users; $sql['select'] = "SELECT u.{$this->uid_name} as id FROM {$this->uid_table} u"; $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY u.display_name"; $sql['order'] = "ASC"; // When profile sync is disabled, alphabetical sorts must happen against // the xprofile table. } else { $this->uid_name = 'user_id'; $this->uid_table = $bp->profile->table_name_data; $sql['select'] = "SELECT u.{$this->uid_name} as id FROM {$this->uid_table} u"; $sql['where'][] = $wpdb->prepare( "u.field_id = %d", bp_xprofile_fullname_field_id() ); $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY u.value"; $sql['order'] = "ASC"; } // Alphabetical queries ignore last_activity, while BP uses last_activity // to infer spam/deleted/non-activated users. To ensure that these users // are filtered out, we add an appropriate sub-query. $sql['where'][] = "u.{$this->uid_name} IN ( SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE " . bp_core_get_status_sql( '' ) . " )"; break; // Any other 'type' falls through. default : $this->uid_name = 'ID'; $this->uid_table = $wpdb->users; $sql['select'] = "SELECT u.{$this->uid_name} as id FROM {$this->uid_table} u"; // In this case, we assume that a plugin is // handling order, so we leave those clauses // blank. break; } /* WHERE *************************************************************/ // 'include' - User ids to include in the results. $include = false !== $include ? wp_parse_id_list( $include ) : array(); $include_ids = $this->get_include_ids( $include ); // An array containing nothing but 0 should always fail. if ( 1 === count( $include_ids ) && 0 == reset( $include_ids ) ) { $sql['where'][] = $this->no_results['where']; } elseif ( ! empty( $include_ids ) ) { $include_ids = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $include_ids ) ); $sql['where'][] = "u.{$this->uid_name} IN ({$include_ids})"; } // 'exclude' - User ids to exclude from the results. if ( false !== $exclude && '' !== $exclude ) { $exclude_ids = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $exclude ) ); $sql['where'][] = "u.{$this->uid_name} NOT IN ({$exclude_ids})"; } // 'user_id' - When a user id is passed, limit to the friends of the user // @todo remove need for bp_is_active() check. if ( ! empty( $user_id ) && bp_is_active( 'friends' ) ) { $friend_ids = friends_get_friend_user_ids( $user_id ); $friend_ids = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $friend_ids ) ); if ( ! empty( $friend_ids ) ) { $sql['where'][] = "u.{$this->uid_name} IN ({$friend_ids})"; // If the user has no friends, the query should always // return no users. } else { $sql['where'][] = $this->no_results['where']; } } /* Search Terms ******************************************************/ // 'search_terms' searches user_login and user_nicename // xprofile field matches happen in bp_xprofile_bp_user_query_search(). if ( false !== $search_terms ) { $search_terms = bp_esc_like( wp_kses_normalize_entities( $search_terms ) ); if ( $search_wildcard === 'left' ) { $search_terms_nospace = '%' . $search_terms; $search_terms_space = '%' . $search_terms . ' %'; } elseif ( $search_wildcard === 'right' ) { $search_terms_nospace = $search_terms . '%'; $search_terms_space = '% ' . $search_terms . '%'; } else { $search_terms_nospace = '%' . $search_terms . '%'; $search_terms_space = '%' . $search_terms . '%'; } $matched_user_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE (display_name LIKE %s OR display_name LIKE %s)", $search_terms_nospace, $search_terms_space ) ); $match_in_clause = empty( $matched_user_ids) ? 'NULL' : implode( ',', $matched_user_ids ); $sql['where']['search'] = "u.{$this->uid_name} IN ({$match_in_clause})"; } // Only use $member_type__in if $member_type is not set. if ( empty( $member_type ) && ! empty( $member_type__in ) ) { $member_type = $member_type__in; } // Profile types to exclude. Note that this takes precedence over inclusions. if ( ! empty( $member_type__not_in ) ) { $member_type_clause = $this->get_sql_clause_for_member_types( $member_type__not_in, 'NOT IN' ); // Profile types to include. } elseif ( ! empty( $member_type ) ) { $member_type_clause = $this->get_sql_clause_for_member_types( $member_type, 'IN' ); } if ( ! empty( $member_type_clause ) ) { $sql['where']['member_type'] = $member_type_clause; } // 'meta_key', 'meta_value' allow usermeta search // To avoid global joins, do a separate query. if ( false !== $meta_key ) { $meta_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = %s", $meta_key ); if ( false !== $meta_value ) { $meta_sql .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND meta_value = %s", $meta_value ); } $found_user_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $meta_sql ); if ( ! empty( $found_user_ids ) ) { $sql['where'][] = "u.{$this->uid_name} IN (" . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $found_user_ids ) ) . ")"; } else { $sql['where'][] = '1 = 0'; } } // 'per_page', 'page' - handles LIMIT. if ( !empty( $per_page ) && !empty( $page ) ) { $sql['limit'] = $wpdb->prepare( "LIMIT %d, %d", intval( ( $page - 1 ) * $per_page ), intval( $per_page ) ); } else { $sql['limit'] = ''; } /** * Filters the clauses for the user query. * * @since BuddyPress 2.0.0 * * @param array $sql Array of SQL clauses to be used in the query. * @param BP_User_Query $this Current BP_User_Query instance. */ $sql = apply_filters_ref_array( 'bp_user_query_uid_clauses', array( $sql, &$this ) ); // Assemble the query chunks. $this->uid_clauses['select'] = $sql['select']; $this->uid_clauses['where'] = ! empty( $sql['where'] ) ? 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $sql['where'] ) : ''; $this->uid_clauses['orderby'] = $sql['orderby']; $this->uid_clauses['order'] = $sql['order']; $this->uid_clauses['limit'] = $sql['limit']; /** * Fires before the BP_User_Query query is made. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * * @param BP_User_Query $this Current BP_User_Query instance. Passed by reference. */ do_action_ref_array( 'bp_pre_user_query', array( &$this ) ); } /** * Query for IDs of users that match the query parameters. * * Perform a database query to specifically get only user IDs, using * existing query variables set previously in the constructor. * * Also used to quickly perform user total counts. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 */ public function do_user_ids_query() { global $wpdb; // If counting using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, set it up here. if ( 'sql_calc_found_rows' == $this->query_vars['count_total'] ) { $this->uid_clauses['select'] = str_replace( 'SELECT', 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', $this->uid_clauses['select'] ); } if ( is_array( $this->uid_clauses['orderby'] ) ) { $orderby_multiple = array(); foreach ( $this->uid_clauses['orderby'] as $part ) { $orderby_multiple[] = $part[0] . ' ' . $part[1];//column_name DESC/ASC } $this->uid_clauses['orderby'] = "ORDER BY " . implode( ', ', $orderby_multiple ); $this->uid_clauses['order'] = ""; } // Get the specific user ids. $this->user_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "{$this->uid_clauses['select']} {$this->uid_clauses['where']} {$this->uid_clauses['orderby']} {$this->uid_clauses['order']} {$this->uid_clauses['limit']}" ); // Get the total user count. if ( 'sql_calc_found_rows' == $this->query_vars['count_total'] ) { /** * Filters the found user SQL statements before query. * * If "sql_calc_found_rows" is the provided count_total query var * then the value will be "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()". Otherwise it will * use a "SELECT COUNT()" query statement. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * * @param string $value SQL statement to select FOUND_ROWS(). * @param BP_User_Query $this Current BP_User_Query instance. */ $this->total_users = $wpdb->get_var( apply_filters( 'bp_found_user_query', "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", $this ) ); } elseif ( 'count_query' == $this->query_vars['count_total'] ) { $count_select = preg_replace( '/^SELECT.*?FROM (\S+) u/', "SELECT COUNT(u.{$this->uid_name}) FROM $1 u", $this->uid_clauses['select'] ); /** This filter is documented in bp-core/classes/class-bp-user-query.php */ $this->total_users = $wpdb->get_var( apply_filters( 'bp_found_user_query', "{$count_select} {$this->uid_clauses['where']}", $this ) ); } } /** * Use WP_User_Query() to pull data for the user IDs retrieved in the main query. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 */ public function do_wp_user_query() { $fields = array( 'ID', 'user_login', 'user_pass', 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered', 'user_activation_key', 'user_status', 'display_name' ); if ( is_multisite() ) { $fields[] = 'spam'; $fields[] = 'deleted'; } /** * Filters the WP User Query arguments before passing into the class. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * * @param array $value Array of arguments for the user query. * @param BP_User_Query $this Current BP_User_Query instance. */ $wp_user_query = new WP_User_Query( apply_filters( 'bp_wp_user_query_args', array( // Relevant. 'fields' => $fields, 'include' => $this->user_ids, // Overrides 'blog_id' => 0, // BP does not require blog roles. 'count_total' => false // We already have a count. ), $this ) ); // We calculate total_users using a standalone query, except // when a whitelist of user_ids is passed to the constructor. // This clause covers the latter situation, and ensures that // pagination works when querying by $user_ids. if ( empty( $this->total_users ) ) { $this->total_users = count( $wp_user_query->results ); } // Reindex for easier matching. $r = array(); foreach ( $wp_user_query->results as $u ) { $r[ $u->ID ] = $u; } // Match up to the user ids from the main query. foreach ( $this->user_ids as $key => $uid ) { if ( isset( $r[ $uid ] ) ) { $r[ $uid ]->ID = (int) $uid; $r[ $uid ]->user_status = (int) $r[ $uid ]->user_status; $this->results[ $uid ] = $r[ $uid ]; // The BP template functions expect an 'id' // (as opposed to 'ID') property. $this->results[ $uid ]->id = (int) $uid; // Remove user ID from original user_ids property. } else { unset( $this->user_ids[ $key ] ); } } } /** * Fetch the IDs of users to put in the IN clause of the main query. * * By default, returns the value passed to it * ($this->query_vars['include']). Having this abstracted into a * standalone method means that extending classes can override the * logic, parsing together their own user_id limits with the 'include' * ids passed to the class constructor. See {@link BP_Group_Member_Query} * for an example. * * @since BuddyPress 1.8.0 * * @param array $include Sanitized array of user IDs, as passed to the 'include' * parameter of the class constructor. * @return array The list of users to which the main query should be * limited. */ public function get_include_ids( $include = array() ) { return $include; } /** * Perform a database query to populate any extra metadata we might need. * * Different components will hook into the 'bp_user_query_populate_extras' * action to loop in the things they want. * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. */ public function populate_extras() { global $wpdb; // Bail if no users. if ( empty( $this->user_ids ) || empty( $this->results ) ) { return; } // Bail if the populate_extras flag is set to false // In the case of the 'popular' sort type, we force // populate_extras to true, because we need the friend counts. if ( 'popular' == $this->query_vars['type'] ) { $this->query_vars['populate_extras'] = 1; } if ( ! (bool) $this->query_vars['populate_extras'] ) { return; } // Turn user ID's into a query-usable, comma separated value. $user_ids_sql = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->user_ids ) ); /** * Allows users to independently populate custom extras. * * Note that anything you add here should query using $user_ids_sql, to * avoid running multiple queries per user in the loop. * * Two BuddyPress components currently do this: * - XProfile: To override display names. * - Connections: To set whether or not a user is the current users friend. * * @see bp_xprofile_filter_user_query_populate_extras() * @see bp_friends_filter_user_query_populate_extras() * * @since BuddyPress 1.7.0 * * @param BP_User_Query $this Current BP_User_Query instance. * @param string $user_ids_sql Comma-separated string of user IDs. */ do_action_ref_array( 'bp_user_query_populate_extras', array( $this, $user_ids_sql ) ); // Fetch last_active data from the activity table. $last_activities = BP_Core_User::get_last_activity( $this->user_ids ); // Set a last_activity value for each user, even if it's empty. foreach ( $this->results as $user_id => $user ) { $user_last_activity = isset( $last_activities[ $user_id ] ) ? $last_activities[ $user_id ]['date_recorded'] : ''; $this->results[ $user_id ]->last_activity = $user_last_activity; } // Fetch usermeta data // We want the three following pieces of info from usermeta: // - friend count // - latest update. $total_friend_count_key = bp_get_user_meta_key( 'total_friend_count' ); $bp_latest_update_key = bp_get_user_meta_key( 'bp_latest_update' ); // Total_friend_count must be set for each user, even if its // value is 0. foreach ( $this->results as $uindex => $user ) { $this->results[$uindex]->total_friend_count = 0; } // Create, prepare, and run the separate usermeta query. $user_metas = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key IN (%s,%s) AND user_id IN ({$user_ids_sql})", $total_friend_count_key, $bp_latest_update_key ) ); // The $members_template global expects the index key to be different // from the meta_key in some cases, so we rejig things here. foreach ( $user_metas as $user_meta ) { switch ( $user_meta->meta_key ) { case $total_friend_count_key : $key = 'total_friend_count'; break; case $bp_latest_update_key : $key = 'latest_update'; break; } if ( isset( $this->results[ $user_meta->user_id ] ) ) { $this->results[ $user_meta->user_id ]->{$key} = $user_meta->meta_value; } } // When meta_key or meta_value have been passed to the query, // fetch the resulting values for use in the template functions. if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['meta_key'] ) ) { $meta_sql = array( 'select' => "SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value", 'from' => "FROM $wpdb->usermeta", 'where' => $wpdb->prepare( "WHERE meta_key = %s", $this->query_vars['meta_key'] ) ); if ( false !== $this->query_vars['meta_value'] ) { $meta_sql['where'] .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND meta_value = %s", $this->query_vars['meta_value'] ); } $metas = $wpdb->get_results( "{$meta_sql['select']} {$meta_sql['from']} {$meta_sql['where']}" ); if ( ! empty( $metas ) ) { foreach ( $metas as $meta ) { if ( isset( $this->results[ $meta->user_id ] ) ) { $this->results[ $meta->user_id ]->meta_key = $meta->meta_key; if ( ! empty( $meta->meta_value ) ) { $this->results[ $meta->user_id ]->meta_value = $meta->meta_value; } } } } } } /** * Get a SQL clause representing member_type include/exclusion. * * @since BuddyPress 2.4.0 * * @param string|array $member_types Array or comma-separated list of profile types. * @param string $operator 'IN' or 'NOT IN'. * @return string */ protected function get_sql_clause_for_member_types( $member_types, $operator ) { global $wpdb; // Sanitize. if ( 'NOT IN' !== $operator ) { $operator = 'IN'; } // Parse and sanitize types. if ( ! is_array( $member_types ) ) { $member_types = preg_split( '/[,\s+]/', $member_types ); } $types = array(); foreach ( $member_types as $mt ) { if ( bp_get_member_type_object( $mt ) ) { $types[] = $mt; } } $tax_query = new WP_Tax_Query( array( array( 'taxonomy' => bp_get_member_type_tax_name(), 'field' => 'name', 'operator' => $operator, 'terms' => $types, ), ) ); // Switch to the root blog, where profile type taxonomies live. $site_id = bp_get_taxonomy_term_site_id( bp_get_member_type_tax_name() ); $switched = false; if ( $site_id !== get_current_blog_id() ) { switch_to_blog( $site_id ); $switched = true; } $sql_clauses = $tax_query->get_sql( 'u', $this->uid_name ); $clause = ''; // The no_results clauses are the same between IN and NOT IN. if ( false !== strpos( $sql_clauses['where'], '0 = 1' ) ) { $clause = $this->no_results['where']; // The tax_query clause generated for NOT IN can be used almost as-is. We just trim the leading 'AND'. } elseif ( 'NOT IN' === $operator ) { $clause = preg_replace( '/^\s*AND\s*/', '', $sql_clauses['where'] ); // IN clauses must be converted to a subquery. } elseif ( preg_match( '/' . $wpdb->term_relationships . '\.term_taxonomy_id IN \([0-9, ]+\)/', $sql_clauses['where'], $matches ) ) { $clause = "u.{$this->uid_name} IN ( SELECT object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE {$matches[0]} )"; } if ( $switched ) { restore_current_blog(); } return $clause; } }


版本 描述
BuddyPress 1.7.0 介绍了。


