



  • _Members_是is_confirmed = 1的条目。
  • _Pending requests_是is_confirmed = 0和inviter_id = 0的条目。
  • _Pending和sent invitation_是is_confirmed = 0和inviter_id != 0和invite_sent = 1的条目。
  • _Pending和unsent invitation_是is_confirmed = 0和inviter_id != 0和invite_sent = 0的条目。
  • _Membership requests_是is_confirmed = 0和inviter_id = 0 (and invite_sent = 0)的条目。




  • “group_id”
    (int数组| |字符串)要将结果限制到的组ID。还可以接受多个值作为数组或以逗号分隔的字符串。
  • “group_role”
  • “is_confirmed”
  • “类型”
    (字符串)排序顺序。所支持的任何值BP_User_Query除了' last_joins '和' first_joins '之外。默认值:“last_joined”。

文件:bp-groups /类/ class-bp-group-member-query.php

类BP_Group_Member_Query扩展BP_User_Query {/ ** *组成员ID的数组,缓存以防止冗余查找。* * @since buddypress 1.8.1 * @var null |数组null如果尚未定义,否则是ints数组。* / protected $ group_member_ids;/ ** *设置动作挂钩。* * @since buddypress 1.8.0 * / public function setup_hooks(){//占用此早期机会将默认的“键入”param //设置为'last_joined',这将确保bp_user_query //信任我们的订单并没有尝试应用自己。if(空($ this-> query_vars_raw ['键入'])){$ this-> query_vars_raw ['type'] ='last_joined';} //设置排序顺序。add_action('bp_pre_user_query',array($ this,'set_orderby'));//设置我们的populate_extras方法。 add_action( 'bp_user_query_populate_extras', array( $this, 'populate_group_member_extras' ), 10, 2 ); } /** * Get a list of user_ids to include in the IN clause of the main query. * * Overrides BP_User_Query::get_include_ids(), adding our additional * group-member logic. * * @since BuddyPress 1.8.0 * * @param array $include Existing group IDs in the $include parameter, * as calculated in BP_User_Query. * @return array */ public function get_include_ids( $include = array() ) { // The following args are specific to group member queries, and // are not present in the query_vars of a normal BP_User_Query. // We loop through to make sure that defaults are set (though // values passed to the constructor will, as usual, override // these defaults). $this->query_vars = bp_parse_args( $this->query_vars, array( 'group_id' => 0, 'group_role' => array( 'member' ), 'is_confirmed' => true, 'invite_sent' => null, 'inviter_id' => null, 'type' => 'last_joined', ), 'bp_group_member_query_get_include_ids' ); $group_member_ids = $this->get_group_member_ids(); // If the group member query returned no users, bail with an // array that will guarantee no matches for BP_User_Query. if ( empty( $group_member_ids ) ) { return array( 0 ); } if ( ! empty( $include ) ) { $group_member_ids = array_intersect( $include, $group_member_ids ); } return $group_member_ids; } /** * Get the members of the queried group. * * @since BuddyPress 1.8.0 * * @return array $ids User IDs of relevant group member ids. */ protected function get_group_member_ids() { global $wpdb; if ( is_array( $this->group_member_ids ) ) { return $this->group_member_ids; } $bp = buddypress(); $sql = array( 'select' => "SELECT user_id FROM {$bp->groups->table_name_members}", 'where' => array(), 'orderby' => '', 'order' => '', ); /* WHERE clauses *****************************************************/ // Group id. $group_ids = wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['group_id'] ); $group_ids = implode( ',', $group_ids ); $sql['where'][] = "group_id IN ({$group_ids})"; // If is_confirmed. $is_confirmed = ! empty( $this->query_vars['is_confirmed'] ) ? 1 : 0; $sql['where'][] = $wpdb->prepare( "is_confirmed = %d", $is_confirmed ); // If invite_sent. if ( ! is_null( $this->query_vars['invite_sent'] ) ) { $invite_sent = ! empty( $this->query_vars['invite_sent'] ) ? 1 : 0; $sql['where'][] = $wpdb->prepare( "invite_sent = %d", $invite_sent ); } // If inviter_id. if ( ! is_null( $this->query_vars['inviter_id'] ) ) { $inviter_id = $this->query_vars['inviter_id']; // Empty: inviter_id = 0. (pass false, 0, or empty array). if ( empty( $inviter_id ) ) { $sql['where'][] = "inviter_id = 0"; // The string 'any' matches any non-zero value (inviter_id != 0). } elseif ( 'any' === $inviter_id ) { $sql['where'][] = "inviter_id != 0"; // Assume that a list of inviter IDs has been passed. } else { // Parse and sanitize. $inviter_ids = wp_parse_id_list( $inviter_id ); if ( ! empty( $inviter_ids ) ) { $inviter_ids_sql = implode( ',', $inviter_ids ); $sql['where'][] = "inviter_id IN ({$inviter_ids_sql})"; } } } // Role information is stored as follows: admins have // is_admin = 1, mods have is_mod = 1, banned have is_banned = // 1, and members have all three set to 0. $roles = !empty( $this->query_vars['group_role'] ) ? $this->query_vars['group_role'] : array(); if ( is_string( $roles ) ) { $roles = explode( ',', $roles ); } // Sanitize: Only 'admin', 'mod', 'member', and 'banned' are valid. $allowed_roles = array( 'admin', 'mod', 'member', 'banned' ); foreach ( $roles as $role_key => $role_value ) { if ( ! in_array( $role_value, $allowed_roles ) ) { unset( $roles[ $role_key ] ); } } $roles = array_unique( $roles ); // When querying for a set of roles containing 'member' (for // which there is no dedicated is_ column), figure out a list // of columns *not* to match. $roles_sql = ''; if ( in_array( 'member', $roles ) ) { $role_columns = array(); foreach ( array_diff( $allowed_roles, $roles ) as $excluded_role ) { $role_columns[] = 'is_' . $excluded_role . ' = 0'; } if ( ! empty( $role_columns ) ) { $roles_sql = '(' . implode( ' AND ', $role_columns ) . ')'; } // When querying for a set of roles *not* containing 'member', // simply construct a list of is_* = 1 clauses. } else { $role_columns = array(); foreach ( $roles as $role ) { $role_columns[] = 'is_' . $role . ' = 1'; } if ( ! empty( $role_columns ) ) { $roles_sql = '(' . implode( ' OR ', $role_columns ) . ')'; } } if ( ! empty( $roles_sql ) ) { $sql['where'][] = $roles_sql; } $sql['where'] = ! empty( $sql['where'] ) ? 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $sql['where'] ) : ''; // We fetch group members in order of last_joined, regardless // of 'type'. If the 'type' value is not 'last_joined' or // 'first_joined', the order will be overridden in // BP_Group_Member_Query::set_orderby(). if ( $this->query_vars['type'] === 'group_role' ) { $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY -is_admin, -is_mod, date_modified"; } else { $sql['orderby'] = "ORDER BY date_modified"; } $sql['order'] = 'first_joined' === $this->query_vars['type'] ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; $this->group_member_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "{$sql['select']} {$sql['where']} {$sql['orderby']} {$sql['order']}" ); /** * Filters the member IDs for the current group member query. * * Use this filter to build a custom query (such as when you've * defined a custom 'type'). * * @since BuddyPress 2.0.0 * * @param array $group_member_ids Array of associated member IDs. * @param BP_Group_Member_Query $this Current BP_Group_Member_Query instance. */ $this->group_member_ids = apply_filters( 'bp_group_member_query_group_member_ids', $this->group_member_ids, $this ); return $this->group_member_ids; } /** * Tell BP_User_Query to order by the order of our query results. * * We only override BP_User_Query's native ordering in case of the * 'last_joined' and 'first_joined' $type parameters. * * @since BuddyPress 1.8.1 * * @param BP_User_Query $query BP_User_Query object. */ public function set_orderby( $query ) { $gm_ids = $this->get_group_member_ids(); if ( empty( $gm_ids ) ) { $gm_ids = array( 0 ); } // For 'last_joined', 'first_joined', and 'group_activity' // types, we override the default orderby clause of // BP_User_Query. In the case of 'group_activity', we perform // a separate query to get the necessary order. In the case of // 'last_joined' and 'first_joined', we can trust the order of // results from BP_Group_Member_Query::get_group_members(). // In all other cases, we fall through and let BP_User_Query // do its own (non-group-specific) ordering. if ( in_array( $query->query_vars['type'], array( 'last_joined', 'first_joined', 'group_activity', 'group_role' ) ) ) { // Group Activity DESC. if ( 'group_activity' == $query->query_vars['type'] ) { $gm_ids = $this->get_gm_ids_ordered_by_activity( $query, $gm_ids ); } // The first param in the FIELD() clause is the sort column id. $gm_ids = array_merge( array( 'u.id' ), wp_parse_id_list( $gm_ids ) ); $gm_ids_sql = implode( ',', $gm_ids ); $query->uid_clauses['orderby'] = "ORDER BY FIELD(" . $gm_ids_sql . ")"; } // Prevent this filter from running on future BP_User_Query // instances on the same page. remove_action( 'bp_pre_user_query', array( $this, 'set_orderby' ) ); } /** * Fetch additional data required in bp_group_has_members() loops. * * Additional data fetched: * - is_banned * - date_modified * * @since BuddyPress 1.8.0 * * @param BP_User_Query $query BP_User_Query object. Because we're * filtering the current object, we use * $this inside of the method instead. * @param string $user_ids_sql Sanitized, comma-separated string of * the user ids returned by the main query. */ public function populate_group_member_extras( $query, $user_ids_sql ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); $extras = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id, user_id, date_modified, is_admin, is_mod, comments, user_title, invite_sent, is_confirmed, inviter_id, is_banned FROM {$bp->groups->table_name_members} WHERE user_id IN ({$user_ids_sql}) AND group_id = %d", $this->query_vars['group_id'] ) ); foreach ( (array) $extras as $extra ) { if ( isset( $this->results[ $extra->user_id ] ) ) { // The user_id is provided for backward compatibility. $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->user_id = (int) $extra->user_id; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->is_admin = (int) $extra->is_admin; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->is_mod = (int) $extra->is_mod; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->is_banned = (int) $extra->is_banned; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->date_modified = $extra->date_modified; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->user_title = $extra->user_title; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->comments = $extra->comments; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->invite_sent = (int) $extra->invite_sent; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->inviter_id = (int) $extra->inviter_id; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->is_confirmed = (int) $extra->is_confirmed; $this->results[ $extra->user_id ]->membership_id = (int) $extra->id; } } // Don't filter other BP_User_Query objects on the same page. remove_action( 'bp_user_query_populate_extras', array( $this, 'populate_group_member_extras' ), 10 ); } /** * Sort user IDs by how recently they have generated activity within a given group. * * @since BuddyPress 2.1.0 * * @param BP_User_Query $query BP_User_Query object. * @param array $gm_ids array of group member ids. * @return array */ public function get_gm_ids_ordered_by_activity( $query, $gm_ids = array() ) { global $wpdb; if ( empty( $gm_ids ) ) { return $gm_ids; } if ( ! bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) { return $gm_ids; } $activity_table = buddypress()->activity->table_name; $sql = array( 'select' => "SELECT user_id, max( date_recorded ) as date_recorded FROM {$activity_table}", 'where' => array(), 'groupby' => 'GROUP BY user_id', 'orderby' => 'ORDER BY date_recorded', 'order' => 'DESC', ); $sql['where'] = array( 'user_id IN (' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $gm_ids ) ) . ')', 'item_id = ' . absint( $query->query_vars['group_id'] ), $wpdb->prepare( "component = %s", buddypress()->groups->id ), ); $sql['where'] = 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $sql['where'] ); $group_user_ids = $wpdb->get_results( "{$sql['select']} {$sql['where']} {$sql['groupby']} {$sql['orderby']} {$sql['order']}" ); return wp_list_pluck( $group_user_ids, 'user_id' ); } }


版本 描述
BuddyPress 3.0.0 $group_id现在支持多个值。 BuddyPress 3.0.0 $group_id现在支持多个值。
BuddyPress 1.8.0 介绍了。


